1971 - 1980

BK Services Spread Far and Wide

lq_London-Old-Sewa-e1633569884595.jpgThe Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya is an institution that is guided and directly administered by the Supreme Soul Himself. There have been numerous spiritual organisations that have at some point of time declined once the founder has left for his heavenly abode. The Brahma Kumaris is unique in that it has only grown multifold and spread far and wide after its founder has left his mortal coil. In April 1974, Dadi Janki through her intensive meditation drove deep spiritual roots into the United Kingdom. Today, London is the international Headquarters of this Spiritual University. Centres were started in all the continents of the world. The Brahma Kumaris institution became a member of the non-governmental organizations of the United Nations. In 1978, Scientists examined the brain wave pattern of Dadi Janki. She was declared, ‘the most stable mind in the world’.
