Yes, that is the aim. However, there are very few translators in the Yagya who have the available time to translate these pages (especially the frequently changing pages), as they are needed for many other tasks (Murlis, books, etc.).
If you are a skilled translator and available to help, or know of someone who is, we would welcome your and/or their assistance. Please contact us using the "Sign Up for Service" link at the bottom of the Home page.
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Our Yagya is intended for use by regular students of The Brahma Kumaris. The Brahma Kumaris offers this website as a resource for informational purposes to individuals who consider themselves to be following the path of Raja Yoga and are sincerely seeking to further their spiritual development. Our Yagya therefore provides access to the many BK websites and other internet resources, official and unofficial, that exist to provide information about the spiritual teachings and reflective practices of Raja Yoga Meditation.
While many people post inspiring and wonderful comments, such features may also attract a small minority of visitors who attempt to skew reader's perceptions in a negative direction. At the moment Our Yagya does not have the human resources to monitor a comments feature.
The BK team of volunteers managing this website are not professional counselors nor are they instruments designated by Yagya seniors to provide spiritual sustenance and counsel to others. Please follow standard Yagya procedures, which is to seek the guidance of senior Baba’s instrument. If you feel that your Centre Coordinator or the senior in charge of your area or region is unable to understand your request, then seek out another senior in the Yagya whom you trust.
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