1961 - 1970

The Turning Point

1960-1.jpgThis period was witness to the ascension of two extraordinary great souls. One being Om Radhe, lovingly called ‘Mamma’, the first Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris. She left her mortal coil and attained ascension on June 24, 1965. Irrespective of her mortal young age, she served and sustained the organization with whole-hearted devotion and dedication and was rightly respected by everyone as the ‘World-Mother’ – Mateshwari Jagdamba Saraswati.

On 18 January 1969, Prajapita Brahma achieved the final stage of perfection. Becoming the first complete man – all virtuous and fully in the image of God and with the authority of God. Dadi Prakashmani was appointed the Chief Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris. Her boundless enthusiasm, generosity and a sharp vision into the future guided the organization to its global growth. By 1969, there were 125 centres across the globe that saw many adopting Raja Yoga as a way of living.
