2021 - 2024

Changes in the Administrative Heads

With her tirelessness, dedication and a loyal adherence to the ideals set by the Supreme Soul, Dadi Janki led the organization as Chief Administrative Head from 2007 until 2020, when she ascended to the subtle world on 27th March 2020. She was 104. Dadi Gulzar, the medium that Prajapita Brahma and Incorporeal God Shiva had chosen since 1969, in order to continue their task of world service, was an epitome of love and sustenance. Her face reflected power and one felt light as an angel in her presence. She was appointed the Chief Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris after Dadi Janki until she attained her Angelic form on 11th March 2021. The present Chief Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris is Dadi Ratanmohini who at 96 tirelessly and wonderfully is fulfilling the responsibilities and services. Prior to this, she used to look after the training and appointment of the sisters committed to the institute.

At Present

Brahma Kumaris is a worldwide spiritual movement dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal. Founded in 1936 in Hyderabad, Sindh (Present Pakistan) by Prajapita Brahma Baba, Brahma Kumaris has spread to over 137 countries on all continents and has had an extensive impact in many sectors as an international NGO. However, their real commitment is to helping individuals transform their perspective of the world from material to spiritual. It supports the cultivation of a deep collective consciousness of peace and of the individual dignity of each soul. Brahma Kumaris is a worldwide spiritual movement dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal. Although the modes of services have changed with time, the Brahma Kumaris continue to spread the message of one God, One World to each and everyone in every corner of the world. Today, there are over 8700 branches of the Spiritual University in over 130 countries.
