1938 - 1939

Opposition on the road less travelled

lq_YH-030-2-e1633512096594.jpgA group of the community was against the Om Mandali and at any cost wanted to cease its operations. This group, called the Anti Om-Mandali, picketed Om Mandali’s premises; prevented members from entering. This caused considerable upheaval in the community. The crowd went completely out of control, so much so that they set fire to the house from outside, hurling torches through windows from all sides. The picketing resulted in legal criminal proceedings. Om Mandali then decided to leave Hyderabad and relocated its activities to Karachi. Later, the government appointed a tribunal to inquire into the activities of Om Mandali. They were declared innocent by the tribunal but the legal and social difficulties they faced served to strengthen their resolve. The Anti-Om Mandali even attempted to assassinate the founding father- Brahma Baba, but the attempt was unsuccessful.
