1951 - 1960

Glorious Propagation - The Planting of a Sapling

lq_030-1-scaled-e1633524289175-2048x1366.jpgAfter having empowered themselves with deep self-realization and God-realization, the young, teenaged Brahma Kumari sisters in groups of one or two, with very little knowledge about the world and resourses in hand but full of the wealth of innocence, Godly experience and purity, set out to different parts of India to convey the divine Godly message. They first went to Delhi where a center was opened in 1952-53. They also went to Kanpur, Lucknow and, later to Meerut. A little later, centers were established at Saharanpur, Amritsar, Patiala, Ambala, Bangalore, Bombay, Delhi, etc. In 1954, a delegation, consisting of a few Sisters and Brothers went to Japan to participate in the World Religious Conference. It also imparted knowledge to many in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries on their way back. Thus, the seed for the Godly service outside India was sown. By the end of 1959, there were nineteen centres that can rightly be called the budding saplings of this institution.
