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BKs in Brest, Belarus Enjoy "The Virtue of Contentment" in Their Monthly BK Family Workshop

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Sunday, 23 February 2025

Avyakt Baba especially focuses on inculcation of divine virtues. We decided to select such virtues and conduct monthly workshops. Monthly Avyakt signals from Madhuban add to our discussions. Good wishes and teachings from senior Didis no less help us to further progress.

One of the divine virtues on which Baba repeatedly cautions is "The virtue of Contentment". Our workshop began with a short video about the Goddess Santosh, who is worshipped on the path of bhakti. We remembered the qualities of Mama. Brahma Baba and Mama are examples for us on this spiritual path. We felt their invisible presence at our gathering.

Essence which emerged through our discussions is as follows:

What kind of contentment does the Supreme Father teach us, playing the role of our Teacher, in this Confluence Age? When we talk about inner, true, lasting contentment, we emphasize that this contentment is based on supersensible achievements (that is, we are filled not through physical, material organs – eyes, ears, organs of touch, smell, etc.). This fullness comes through our union with the Supreme Father, the accumulation of treasures of knowledge, powers, virtues, and the accumulation of true and imperishable values. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Teacher, gives us many different methods to obtain the three certificates of contentment: with ourselves, from God, and the Brahmin family. Contentment is a special decoration of the personality. Being contented means to maintain our dignity. A contented person shares his happiness with others, he never complains or envies. Sisters and brothers shared with great love the yuktis that helped them to stay contented; they remembered the moments of their Brahmin life when they felt deep inner fulfillment.


  • When there is contentment, we perceive any problem as a means to ascend. We need to focus not on the problem, but on the solution. 
  • A contented person does not expect anything from others. If no one pays attention to us, if no one asks "How are you?", can we remain content? A contented person does not depend on the opinions and behavior of others. 
    When a person does not deviate from his principles, following the voice of conscience, inner harmony is created. We must be aware of our spiritual treasures and our unique role in this World Drama, and then contentment will come to us. 
  • We must focus on good features in the people around us. If we look at bad qualities, and keep garbage in our heads, it brings suffering, and contentment disappears. If we look only at good qualities, our thoughts will be pure, our actions elevated. Then contentment will surely come. 
  • In any situation, even the most unfavorable from the outside, we need to do what we can, and not be upset by the result. Honest efforts will surely bear fruit, even if the fruits do not appear immediately. It helps to stay satisfied.
  • Being detached from my body and bodily roles, I can stay in the remembrance of God and be filled with all His powers and qualities. It gives me the opportunity to enjoy all the scenes of the World Drama.

During the workshop, we only touched the faces of this unlimited quality. Nevertheless, we felt like santushtmani, we felt that we had become closer to each other, like beads strung on a single thread of love.
Om Shanti

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Thanks for your attention and blessings
BK Sis. Larisa
Divine family
Brest, Belarus

  • Belarus, Breast BK Family Workshop - The Virtue of Contentment
  • Belarus, Breast BK Family Workshop - The Virtue of Contentment
  • Belarus, Breast BK Family Workshop - The Virtue of Contentment
  • Belarus, Breast BK Family Workshop - The Virtue of Contentment