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Russia News- Moscow (Russia): International Scientific Conference EcoMir 11-12 "Environmental Ethics and Ecophilosophy in the 21st century"

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Tuesday, 24 December 2024


Falko Vladimir Ivanovich, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Ecology, professor of the Department of Philosophy at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moderator, Scientific Secretary of the conference:

"In order to solve all his problems, Man needs the power of Spiritual Knowledge. Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University V.N. Volchenko, participating in the program "Experiment with Truth" at Brahma Kumaris University in Moscow in 2003, said, “Man created the so-called technological civilization, which itself started to dictate people's conditions of existence. Nature has turned into an environment that is hardly suitable for life. Nowadays, people face even more acute biblical questions: Who are we? Where are we from? Where are we going? Therefore, we need such a scientific model, where there is a place for both a soul and God. Eco-ethics, as a kind of control system in the mind, should help a person not to take wrong steps. According to the Creator’s thought, human consciousness should be pure and spiritual."

I am happy to share that Ms. Sudha Rani Gupta, Director, Brahma Kumaris, Moscow has been cooperating with Bauman Moscow State Technical University for more than 20 years, including issues of environmental ethics and educational development "Spiritual values in the environmental awareness of a Russian engineer". Wanted to add that the Environmental ethics in the XXI century was the main theme of the congresses at Bauman Moscow State Technical University where Professor Volchenko was an active participant and organizer. This is also the subject of our present conference including a round-table. I am also happy to share that Dr. Vijay Kumar, University of Delhi has agreed to contribute his thoughts to enlighten the scientific conference "EcoMir (EcoWorld) 11-12 "Environmental Ethics and Ecophilosophy in the 21stcentury". Here is his shortened speech.""

Respected Victor Georgievich, Director of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Mythishi Branch) and the representatives of Russia's prestigious scientific institutions who gathered at the International scientific conference on environmental outlook “Ecology of man and nature in the XXI century”, good afternoon! Thank you so much for the opportunity to communicate with you about solving one of the most important issues of science in the 21st century. I came to Moscow from Delhi in 1989 to continue my scientific work through the Ministry of Education of India and the USSR. But at the same time, together with senior colleagues from the World Spiritual University founded in India in 1936, I too became an instrument for its opening in Russia. I have been staying in Moscow for 35 years now. I am 65 years old. During those 35 years, thank God, I have never been ill. So I would say that the ecological condition of such a large country as Russia is good and normal. Yes, scientists discovered an atom long ago, along with its structure, its mass, energy, etc. In their research scientists as observers understand and see both the creative nature of the atom and its destructive energy. Accordingly, some appropriate items were created for the most comfortable life of society. However, some objects with a destructive nature were also created. Now the society is in a state of tension. This is not the fault of the scientists. This is just the development of science. A scientist always strives to complete his research.

And so what is important to understand. As a researcher of an atom, its nature, and structure, the scientist still has a higher speed of observation than the speed of the object under observation (atom) itself. This observer the researcher of the atom actually is the so-called infinitesimal conscious energy, which in spiritual language is called soul. In other words, Man can be defined as the soul the observer who has higher energy level than the matter. And with use of the power of soul, the destructive power of matter may diminish to zero level, as aresult, only the creative power of matter may remain in the atom. This kind of process may be possible in the humae life. Let us wish that the destructive power of matter comes to an end and only the creative power of matter remain with the help of the power of the soul. I think that this process includes what we are discussing about in the conference "the environmental sustainability and also the sustainability of life on earth". For sure, it should have been like that and it will be so. But when will take the practical form – let’s wait and see. Just don't get too far away from yourself, the soul.


No one has yet been able to match the speed of souls, nor will they be able to do so. Science considers themselves to have failed in this.    
May you the soul speed up your flight with the power of silence of the soul and become a world transformer.     

Brahma Kumaris has been co-organizer of the 12th International Scientific Conference on the Problems of ecological worldview "Environmental Ethics and Eco philosophy in the 21stcentury".

The conference was held within the framework of the 2nd All-Russian Scientific Congress with international participation "Russian Engineer 2024" organized by the Bauman Moscow State Technical University with the participation of the Russian Academy of Ecology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.

Professor Victor Georgievich Sanaev, Director of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Mythishi Branch), Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, made a welcoming speech. Prof. Viktor Georgievich drew the attention of the Congress and Conference participants to the importance of environmental issues in the development and formation of sustainability and security of the modern world.

For two days, topical issues were discussed at plenary sessions, thematic sections, and roundtables, among which the problem of educating environmental awareness and education in the field of moral values and the role of the education system and the media in the formation of environmental awareness occupied an important place.

Professor Padyamani, Ph.D., Director of programs for the teaching of moral values in 40 universities in India, spoke on behalf of Dr. Mruthyunjay, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Mount Abu (as he was sick on the day of deliberating his thesis). Prof. Padyamani presented the report "Problems of education in the field of moral values: current state and prospects". The summary of the report contained the main thesis: Spiritual education is a key solution to modern problems in the field of teaching moral values. By teaching moral values and universal ethics, spiritual education solves many deep-rooted problems in modern education in the field of moral values. Spiritual education can offer a transformative approach to improving character, resilience and a sense of common purpose.

The teachers and students participating in the conference showed genuine interest in the report. Prof. Falko Vladimir conveyed gratitude to Brahma Kumaris for its contribution in the field of Ecology and Ethics. He also expressed sincere gratitude to Prof. Padyamani and interpreter BK Stanislav Starodubtsev for an interesting and informative report. He appreciated the report not only as educational, but also as a master class of speech. Prof. V.I. Falko further added that the report of Dr. Vijay Kumar, Ph.D. University of Delhi, "The idea of a better world and a man of the future", will be published in the Collection of materials of the Conference and was posted in eLIBRARY.RU. The report was indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). At another EcoMir conference he greeted the gathering with the words. The conference was attended by 50 scientists from Russia, Kazakhstan, India, China and many others, attended by more than 100 students and 200 people online.
