Dear Global Family,
We celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 28th, with hearts brimming with gratitude and warmth. Thanksgiving serves as a beautiful opportunity to reflect, embrace, and express gratitude. In this Confluence Age, we, as children of Baba, cultivate unconditional gratitude with the understanding that nothing is inauspicious.
Sister Kusum shared inspiring insights on how approaching all tasks with thankfulness rejuvenates the spirit, fosters enthusiasm, and invites blessings. The celebration included a joyful dance by BK kids, a heartfelt song expressing gratitude to Baba, and reflective activities followed by delicious Brahma Bhojan. Participants pondered how Baba's center acts as a sanctuary, drawing us closer to Him through its many activities. Another activity encouraged introspection on self-love and self-respect, adding depth to the celebration.
Offering bhog to Baba along with everyone's heartfelt gratitude
Sister Kusum sharing on Transformational Power of Gratitude
Joyful dance by BK kids and Song expressing gratitude to Baba
Reflection Activity1: "Baba, I am eternally grateful for Your center, for it is a source of...". All the responses were shared on the LED screen.
Activity to strengthen, stabilize and make the seat of self-respect more accessible
Baba's children receiving Thanksgiving Brahma Bhojan, Toli and Persimmons from Baba's garden