Busy June for BKs in SF: Service at a Block Party, Visits by Sr Denise & Sister Jayanti, IDY Celebration with Indian Consul General
Monday, 15 July 2024
Om shanti,
Greetings of Peace and Love from San Francisco, U.S.A.
Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center, San Francisco, participated in the North of Panhandle Neighborhood Association (NOPNA) block party, on Saturday, June 8th, 2024.
Two local politicians were present at the block party: Dean Preston, the District 5 Supervisor and there was a surprise visit by the SF mayor, London Breed, originally from the District 5 neighborhood who visited the BK San Francisco center before.
The Block Party was filled with neighbors, families, artists, local business owners and organizations. Our tables had a coloring activity, ‘Virtue Wheels’ and ‘Snakes and Ladders’ board game which attracted many children and adults.
We also had a public program with Sister Jayanti titled, "Rise Above: Thrive Through Trials." Four members from the Interfaith community met Sister Jayanti prior to the event.
We also hosted a Day-Retreat with Sister Denise titled, "Yoga is Skill in Action." Participants were taught soul consciousness and how to connect with the Supreme Soul to take spiritual powers, to focus on positive thinking and to check on words before speaking & etc.
BK brothers and sisters along with Consul General, Dr. Srikar Reddy, participated in the International Day of Yoga celebration, organized by the Consulate General of India, San Francisco.