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Event Details

Invitation to the April Madhuban Experience Retreat: "Stepping into the Land of Blessings - A Retreat for Spiritual Progress”

Host date & Time


Wed, 23 April 2025 05:00 PM (America/New_York)


Sun, 27 April 2025 11:00 AM (America/New_York)


Your Local date & time


Wed, 23 April 2025 05:00 PM ()


Sun, 27 April 2025 11:00 AM ()

Online / In House

Online / In House

In house only



Peace Village

54 O Hara Rd


Haines Falls, NY

United States of America

Event Details


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Dear USA BK Family,

Om Shanti and loving greetings from Peace Village,

We warmly invite you to a spiritual retreat that gives an experience of sweetness and joy to our hearts:
The Madhuban Experience Retreat:
"Stepping into the Land of Blessings - A Retreat for Spiritual Progress”
Wednesday, April 23 – Sunday, April 27, 2025, at Peace Village

Mohini Didi will just be back from Madhuban and with us during this retreat.

Madhuban is the land that bestows blessings upon blessings and gives an easy experience of a sweet meeting with Bapdada.  Dadi Prakashmani said  Peace Village is ‘The Madhuban of the West’ and Dadi Janki said Peace Village is "A Place of Silence".

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Join us to have a special experience of being in our sweet home Madhuban, experience silence, blessings, the powerful four pilgrimage places, a beautiful meeting with Bapdada, inspirations from senior instruments, special Amrit vela moments, and, of course, Brahma bhojan and the divine company of others.

This invitation is for the benefit of all BKs.
- For all the BK family who would like to refresh and fill their hearts with the pure experience of blessings.
- Also, and especially, for those who were not able to go to Madhuban this year.
- The retreat is open to all who would qualify for Madhuban.

We would like to propose that all participants begin their inner preparation now to take full benefit of the retreat.

Registration is through your center. Please announce this retreat at the center and encourage students to take this unique opportunity to come close to BapDada's alokik spiritual family and the Yagya, and open and fill their hearts in new ways.

Here is the registration link:

We look forward to your presence among us.
In Remembrance
Retreat Design Team
