By: B.K. Eric Le Reste
Source: The Daily Guardian
Dated: December 7th, 2024
Going beyond and going within (Part 2)
In an earlier article this month (09 November 2024) we looked at the process of going within before being able to go beyond. It is difficult to go beyond before I have explored the noise within. As we take the first step of withdrawing and going within there still remains an echo of what is happening outside. In the deeper level, the basement, we begin to see the connection between the past and what is happening outside. In the deeper level yet, the bunker level, there begins the deep connection with my true original self.
If I have not done at least some of that work, then going beyond is too difficult, and I will be taking some of the ‘noise’ with me. So going beyond, after doing some introspection, involves three different areas.
Going within helps me connect with the roots, the origins of my spiritual power, the virtues and wisdom, all these tools that I have to enable me to be the best I can be at this moment. Going beyond is allowing me to experience something that does not come from within myself, something bigger than me. Raja Yoga – ‘Raja’ the yoga that makes me a ruler of the self, ‘Yoga’ the link that takes me beyond – is to experience the essence of greatness and beauty that helps me to recognise that in myself.
Going within means exploring the mind. Going beyond makes me detached from my own thoughts. It is a re-aligning of my mind to catch the thoughts from God – to connect my mind with God’s mind. I have great thoughts, but there are greater thoughts. I have great feelings, but there are greater feelings. If I do not go beyond myself, I will not catch those greater thoughts and feelings. To really hear what another is saying – I have to stop the noise of my own mind.
This first ability to detach from the self is a big exercise and requires practice. Then secondly, I must detach from what others are saying and doing. We need to reach a point where we are not affected by the actions and words of others. To reach the stage of remaining connected with the deepest part of the self, especially in relationships, where all we feel is the original and eternal spiritual love for all.
Thirdly, we have to go beyond the game of life, the drama of life. We may have acquired and understanding that we are all spiritual beings operating in a physical dimension, but it is not always easy to apply that knowledge in a powerful awareness; that is when things are happening in the theatre of life that touches, a still as yet, sensitives part of our selves. It is more possible to do this if I have done the work of going within and realising my original identity. For example, if the world stage presents us with an individual who we feel might make a mess of things – then what do I want to be – one who joins in the barrage of criticism and fear, or do I want to help with a constructive flow of energy and bless the soul with goodness, not curse them and make things even worse.
Going beyond requires the powerful perspective of seeing three aspects of time; the past, the present and the future. This also helps me with going within. These two trajectories are interconnected, just as the egg and the chicken – they always co-exist. It is the two wheels for moving forward, so as not to remain spiritually stuck in myself, others or the world situation.
So, the two aspects of going beyond are detachment from the self, others and what is going on, and connecting with a greater Being. The purpose of meditation is to connect with God and experience what He is thinking. If I feel bad about myself today – let me connect and see what the Supreme Being thinks about me. When I go beyond, I see beauty in the world, hidden behind the many scenes of darkness. Watching the world from a distance is what is offered in connecting with God. He will show me what is within me and show me the beauty and greatness He sees in each one of His children. That is going beyond and hearing the sound of the Divine.
Eric Le Reste was a producer
for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for more than 35 years.
He is based in Montreal and coordinates the Brahma Kumaris centers in Canada.