By: BK Sheilu
Source: The Daily Guardian
Dated: December 28th, 2024

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The transformative power of purity
 enables the soul to transcend the need to resort to gross forms of powers

Spiritual teachings assert that purity is one of the greatest powers one can have. What does this mean? Power is generally understood as the ability to exert control over others or shape circumstances according to one's will. Such power is typically derived from sources such as wealth, status, political or social influence, or physical strength. Those who possess this power tend to have more security, success, and recognition. They can influence societies, corporations, and governments. Purity does not figure anywhere in this picture, so how does it count as a power?

Purity is a spiritual quality and it operates subtly, so it is not easily recognised as a power. Complete purity includes pure intentions, feelings, thoughts, and actions. When there is such purity, our behaviour is informed by it.

A pure mind is free from the influence of weaknesses such as greed, ego, anger, and selfishness. Decisions taken by one with a pure mind would, therefore, not be tainted by any of these flaws: they will be reasonable, and not meant to harm anyone’s interests. There are situations where people must compromise and give up or share resources or privileges in the best interest of everyone. But if the motive is pure, it fosters trust, and there is willingness to cooperate and collaborate. It is in the absence of purity that problems arise. If someone’s intentions are suspect, others do not trust them, and are
unwilling to cooperate. This creates tension in relationships which, if not managed prudently, can lead to conflict. It is in such situations that power, as it is understood by most people, is manifested in the form of argument, coercion, threats, and tough actions. These are gross expressions of power that come into play when the power of purity is lacking.

Purity fosters within us several spiritual powers or abilities – the power to discern, to tolerate, accommodate, make the right decisions, and to face adversity. Spiritual power grows when we are aligned to a higher purpose, to divine will and universal laws. While power in the worldly sense can be exploitative, hierarchical, and possessive, spiritual power is inherently ethical, as it is based on inner peace, humility, and love. The more we tap into it, the less we seek to dominate or control; instead, we are able to serve and inspire others. And unlike worldly power, which may be exercised in arbitrary ways, creating divisions and inequalities, spiritual power fosters compassion, empathy, and mutual respect. Genuine spiritual power enables us to serve others without seeking recognition or control. Spiritual power may not be visible in the form of assertive leadership, authority, or physical prowess, but it can be felt through the gentle and reassuring presence and energy of the individual.

Purity and the spiritual powers born of it uplift us to a higher plane of consciousness where our enlightened choices and conduct obviate divisions and conflict. In other words, the subtle but transformative power of purity enables the soul to transcend the need to resort to gross forms of power. That is the power of purity. 

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BK Sheilu is a Rajyoga teacher 
at the Brahma Kumaris headquarters in 
Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
