The soul needs strength to deal effectively with the demanding day to day schedules and situations, and yet be able to pack up useless thoughts. If the soul does not recharge itself it will lose courage and enthusiasm. Souls are tired now and yearn for peace, for rest, and need to spend more time in the truly important aspects of our lives, our spirituality. When our physical desires and energies are focused outside of the self, we lose a little internal power every day. How can we say we do not have time to learn how to be peaceful when so much of our time is spent recovering from the effects of being peaceless? If indeed time is valuable should we not use it in a valuable way?
For some, lots to do and little time is a way of life; there is always more work than time. To experience victory and win over time, learn to slow down and control your thoughts. Meditation is a priority. Look within and choose thoughts that keep the mind relaxed, clear and positive. Do the head work before the hand work and save unnecessary hard work and waste of time.
When we keep one pure positive thought with us throughout the day this influences our other thoughts and attitudes in a positive way. Thought is the seed from which actions and words grow. The experience of one pure thought has much power and gives more benefit than a barrage of scattered, uncontrolled thoughts. One kind word spoken with sincerity reaches much further than shallow words eloquently spoken.
We need to have strength to perform right actions, even though the forces of wrong grow strong. So it becomes necessary to check and see, are we remembering the things that make us tired, or are we remembering the One who removes tiredness from the soul? When we remember our Father, the Ocean of Peace, we experience and store the power of peace within. We are not pressured by time as time does not exist when aware of our true imperishable self, the eternal soul. Imagine what improvements would develop in our lives when we stop every day for a moment and experience our true original state of peace. Go beyond sound and experience yourself, the soul, as you really are, to be at peace with yourself, with God and with creation? These few moments would give you the strength to make every day a success. You don’t believe it, just experiment and see!
Sister Chirya is a student and teacher with
the Brahma Kumari's World Spiritual University
for over 40 years. She is published globally.