By: Maria-dulce rocha
Source: The Daily Guardian
Dated: February 15th, 2025

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The subconscious can transform us, our habits, our performance, if we learn how to use it for good.

The Subconscious – The Great Tool for Sustainable Success

The subconscious is part of the anatomy of the soul and it has a very crucial mission - that of creating the reality we set up.  Whatever we are doing, saying, thinking, but most of all feeling, becomes a real command or pattern of thoughts and actions. As soon as we have any feeling about any situation we are already reacting, so that is being stored and will become a pattern, meaning it will happen again and again, in the future.  

The subconscious works on our behalf. It stores for us, whatever we think, feel and act out. The moment we have feelings about anything or anybody, those feelings will be automatically stored in the subconscious. Once stored, when triggered by some outside event or conversation, it will emerge naturally. This happens over and over again until it begins to define us.  On and on, this will happen, even against our will, until we become aware of it, and consciously decide to change. Most of us though, are not aware of this.  

In reality, the role of the subconscious is massive. It is able to transform us, our habits, our performance, if we simply learn how to use it in our favour and for good. If we want to change, we have to change the ‘command’ or ‘pattern’. This means we have to create a different, or new, feeling about a specific situation or person, in a positive way; one which serves us and allows us to excel. This can be done through understanding (we will never know what that person has gone through in life), acceptance (allow whoever to be themselves, no matter what; they are behaving that way for a reason that we, and even they, not aware of), forgiveness (be detached allowing the other to play their role in this big theatre of life).  

This positive programming may not seem to have any effect for a while, but as long as we know that the new programming is the right way to feel, think and act, then at some point it will become part of our nature, sooner rather than later.  It is extremely important to create that new positive reality in the now, feeling it strongly as if the transformation has already happened, and it is now a reality.

In practical terms, the thinking patterns and behavioural habits have been established over a long period of time. So, it is not sufficient to ‘re-programme’ just the once. Persistence is the key to overriding the long-term habits. In other words, we have to repeatedly apply the new behavioural pattern, each and every time the old patterns emerge, until it becomes naturally instilled. Then we will confirm that it has worked and we have started setting up our new sustainable living. 

The subconscious is our ‘magic wand’ to be used in a worthwhile way to serve us and the world, by rewinding any negative experience from the past and set up a new way of seeing it, feeling it; keep detaching from the worst, while being inspired by the best.

There is nothing better to cool our conscious mind than by doing meditation.  This practice is not only a way of becoming calm and relaxed, which is essential for better wellbeing, but also a means to ponder about how we are progressing, and to focus on the best way to excel.  Meditation is an amazing tool to help our subconscious mind to operate for our benefit.

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Maria-Dulce Rocha is a qualified NLP and Holistic practitioner. 
She is a teacher of Raja Yoga with the Brahma Kumaris. 
She lives in London, UK.
