By: Augusto Zimbres
Source: The Daily Guardian
Dated: December 7th, 2024

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Maturity brings a clear recognition that it is really necessary to take it easy.

“Take it easy!” this phrase can be a great challenge, especially for young people, who full of passion, see the world in the state it is in and believe they can make a difference. For a young idealist and dreamer but who is in a constraining life situation; one whose family has difficulty providing them with the essentials, or is an indigenous person, who cannot freely express their own culture, or who suffers discrimination for being part of a minority group, or is a refugee who has difficulty fitting in with dignity in a new country, or carries some trauma from any type of extreme violence - thinking about taking it easy in transforming their reality can be very difficult.

Even for someone who is young and idealistic and not in any way deprived, their idealism and inability to be indifferent to the suffering of others, whether they are known or not, fills them with a strong desire to do something. Being young does not mean that there is not a wealth of experience within the eternal energy, the soul that gives life to the body. It may be that there is a similar story recorded within of some deprivation and suffering from another lifetime.

What is certain is that as someone who works avidly for the interests of young people, there is a deep identification with the challenges they face of containing their eagerness to do something for the common good; containing their enthusiasm to make a difference in their community and in the world, and containing their passion to create a new reality. Containing this intense energy that needs to be expressed is an intense challenge.

Despite the sense of urgency, maturity gives a clear vision that, yes, it is really necessary to take it easy. It is challenging, but it is necessary. Because experience shows that, in the anxiety of rushing things, there is a great risk of putting one's foot in it! It shows that, without calm, everything can go wrong, and may need to be completely redone. So, yes, no matter how urgent it is, taking it easy is very necessary.

True peace is not passive. As the song says, “...peace without a voice is not peace, it is fear...”. The imperishable Source of peace cannot remain eternally with His arms crossed, without taking action, without sharing the Light of His wisdom and power so that His sweet children can free themselves from their internal and external bondages. If we are not indifferent to the suffering of in the world, much less can our Father be.

When I study and meditate, I strengthen my connection with the Source of peace, which fills me with calm. And so, my wishes for a better world becomes a certainty. It fills me with a determination that allows me not to give up, along with the wise patience to wait for the fruit of my actions to ripen in due time.

With such a balance, of maturity, understanding and powerful good wishes, combined with the connection with the Supreme, it is possible to say to the young, the idealist and the dreamer “Just take it easy” because that is how you can really change things and fulfill your destiny, and how we all will fulfil our common destiny.

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Augusto Zimbres is the host of the Brazilian 
YouTube channel ‘Inspira Saúde Plena’ (Inspire Full Health) 
and leads the Brahma Kumaris youth movement for Latin America. 
He is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
