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Illustrations: Brahma Kumaris

Santa has always been one of my heroes. We enjoy the details remembered fondly from our childhood, the jolly giver of gifts with his long flowing beard, the shining smile on his face, the sparkle of love in his eyes, the magic of his North Pole workshop, and the joy he brings to children’s lives all around the world. He’s got that relentless positive attitude and a contagious HO,HO,HO laugh. Sure, I know you can get coal in your stocking, but Santa’s main focus is not what you did wrong, it’s what you did right. He represents the spiritual joy of giving.  It’s better to give than to get.  Santa's joy comes from making other people happy, and not expecting anything in return. 

Santa is a metaphor for the energy we use to bring joy into the world. To say there is no Santa is to ignore or to deny the specialty about having a season of kindness and giving. Santa and Santa's elves, and even his reindeer are not literally out there; they're figuratively all of us!  Jolly old St Nick is the compassionate human face loving and reflecting the spiritual qualities and goodness of God, Father Christmas, who nourishes the soul of each one, and invites us to express what is best in our hearts by giving and receiving gifts with those we love.

When we look closely, we can see why each year this story continues to grow. Its magical and magnetic values complement the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus. For example, In the United States, Santa goes by several names, including Kriss Kringle from the German Christkindl meaning Christ Child. Many other countries speak of "Father Christmas.".

The story of Santa Claus dates back to 1765 is associated with Saint Nicholas, the Patron Saint of Children, and up to the present, the popularity for Santa has continued to increase. At Christmas his red-cheeked and cheery visage is seen the media, stores and homes across the United States and in several western world countries. His appearance was not of a Dutch bishop – instead he was ‘a right jolly old elf’ with ‘clothes all tarnished with ashes and soot’, twinkling eyes, merry dimples and a beard ‘as white as snow’. 

Later, in the story/poem 'The Night Before Christmas (1823) St Nick acquired his bushy beard and magical flying reindeer.

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! 
On, Comet! On, Cupid!, On Donner and Blitzen! 
To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall! 
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

The reindeer and their names symbolize the virtues and powers of the soul: knowledge, love, cooperation, tolerance, generosity, courage and many more.

Rudolf, joined the team late, yet is best known from the poem- "T'’was the night before Christmas". It was on a foggy Christmas night when Santa needed Rudolph’s glowing nose to guide the sleigh that the other reindeer stopped teasing him and he became a confident, happy and accepted member of the team. 

Vixen, another of Santa's reindeer, is known for being brave and smart, a fighter who faces up to any challenge. 

Blitzen is known for being playful, a cheerleader, full of joy and strong. 

Dasher loves speed. He is the fastest of Santa’s reindeer, flies right behind Rudolph and makes sure all the presents are delivered on time.

Dancer loves to dance. He is good company, friendly and outgoing. It is his hoof beats that can be heard on the roof on Christmas Eve as he is always doing some dance moves. 

Prancer is graceful and gentle. She is well-groomed and high spirited, often entertains the elves and other reindeer with her singing and dancing.  

Vixen has ability to adapt and fit in. She is always trying new things, probably the most intelligent of the reindeer. Her job to help Santa plan the Christmas Eve route according to the list, ensuring all good children receive a gift. 

Comet- teaches the young reindeer how to fly and to pull a sleigh. He is strong and confident.  

Cupid is friendly and kind. He cares for his friends and is always making sure that everyone is happy and getting along.  

Donner means to give and is the first one called when others need help.  

Blitzen - means lightning. He is the true leader of the team, the most confident and grounded of Santa’s reindeer. He is Santa’s go-to reindeer to solve a problem as he never panics and handles any situation calmly and efficiently.

So, with this powerful team Santa flies throughout the world, parks on the rooftop, jumps out of the sleigh and down the chimney, never gets burned, fills the stockings, distributes the remaining presents under the tree, enjoys the cookies and milk, goes back up the chimney into the sleigh and on to the next house, all in one night. Amazing!

May the spirit of St Nickolas and Father Christmas remain alive in your life. Like Santa continue to give valuable gifts of good cheer. By ‘flying’ and making others fly, have a very Merry Christmas.

Sister Chirya.jpegSister Chirya is a student and teacher with      
the Brahma Kumari's World Spiritual University      
for over 40 years. She is published globally.
